⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our baby Yoda/The Child pop up card shows the adorable little force user in his hover cradle. This card is perfect for any fan of Star Wars The Mandalorian. This baby Yoda card will really surprise any Star Wars fans when baby Yoda and his cradle pop out of the card when the recipient opens it on Christmas.
🚀 Dimensions: pop up card is approximately 15x30 cm when opened
🚀 Blank inside for your own message or we can offer a handwritten message
🚀 Handmade card comes ready assembled
🚀 An envelope included with a cellophane bag🤖🤖🤖 Our pop up cards are handmade so they can look slightly different from the photos.
Christmas Baby Yoda card Mandalorian Star Wars pop up card